Under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, anti-social behaviour is defined as:
- conduct that has caused, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to any person.
- conduct capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to a person in relation to that person’s occupation of residential premises, or
- conduct capable of causing housing-related nuisance or annoyance to any person. The following initiatives are currently in place with the co-operation from the Birmingham Community Safety Partnership to help reduce anti-social behaviour:
- Public Space Protection Orders–The Birmingham Community Safety currently has 5 active PSPOs (‘Erdington High Street’, ‘City Centre’, ‘High Street and New Street’, ‘New Street and Temple Street ’and‘ Robert Clinic, Station Road B30’.
- The Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) Case Review-The ASB Case Review, formerly known as the Community Trigger, is a formal process where organisations identify if any further action can betaken to address the anti-social behaviour.
- Intervention Officers–Birmingham Community Safety Partnership has 5 Intervention Officers that work with partner agencies within the city centre and other selected areas. Their focus is to intervene at an early stage to reduce crime and ASB related to issues within the street community.

Community Safety Intervention Officers work in partnership with our partners, conducting high visibility patrols and engaging with the community. Pictured: WMP, Intervention Officer & Business Improvement District Warden.

For Anti-social Behaviour Awareness Week (3-9 July 2023), Birmingham City Council’s Community Safety Team raised awareness of their role in tackling ASB, hate crime and the ASB Case Review through a series of online webinars, visiting schools, setting up information stalls at local libraries and a range of sessions across Birmingham’s youth service sites.
Important information
The following section provides further information regarding the processes behind Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs), how to report Anti-social Behaviour and the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review.